Newfies of all ages can require new homes for a variety of reasons, especially so in these days of the "credit crunch". If you can help with any of the things mentioned below, please contact Jan Groves or Sue Lloyd-Denmam, the SNC Welfare Officers.- Can you help with home checks?
- Can you help with the transportation of dogs?
- Would you be willing to open up your home to prospective newfie owners to show them what living with a Newfoundland is really like?
- Would you be willing to foster a Newfoundland? Experienced people to foster Newfies are desperately required. Without the foster homes they have NOWHERE to go!
- Can you help with raising funds to support SNC welfare?
Can we help you?
If you need any help or advice, especially if you are considering re-homing your Newfoundland or offering a new home to a Newfoundland, please contact our Welfare Officer.

Jan Groves and Sue Lloyd-Denmam
Welfare OfficersEmail: welfare@southernnewfoundlandclub.co.uk
Phone: 01684 565438 (Jan)
Phone: 07785 537932 (Sue)
The Welfare section of the SNC liaises with the other UK Newfoundland Breed Clubs to ensure a nationwide co-ordinated approach to the welfare, rescue and re-homing of Newfoundlands in the UK.